Exploring Dynamic Properties of Earth and Planetary Materials Using Neutron and X-Ray Methods Workshop, May 21-23, 2024
The 4th ISRD-RCN workshop, hosted by the Institut Laue Langevin (ILL) and the University of Grenoble Alpes will take place in-person at ILL/ESRF campus on May 21-23, 2024. This workshop will focus on neutron and X-ray scattering and imaging as well as their applications in studying the dynamic properties of earth and planetary materials.

Nanotomography Workshop at ALS, April 4-5, 2024
As part of our ongoing effort to introduce synchrotron techniques to the rock deformation community, ISRD-RCN and Berkeley Lab will hold a hands-on workshop on April 4-5, 2024 at the Advanced Light Source, Berkeley, CA. The workshop will focus on Nanotomography techniques in rock deformation experiments at synchrotron beamlines.
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Mission Statement
Application of emerging beamline capabilities, such as the ability to probe the microstructures of multi-grain and multi-phase materials in three dimensions, in real time, is poised to revolutionize the testing and calibration of rheological models by elucidating the underlying physical processes of rock deformation. The NSF funded Research Coordination Network “In Situ Studies of Rock Deformation” will facilitate the integration of beamline technologies with deformation experiments and create new directions for experimental rock deformation research. Through the network, we will organize 5 workshops at various synchrotron and neutron beamlines over the next five years to provide training and education opportunities for a diverse group of experimentalists to gain necessary knowledge about beamline technologies, and for beamline scientists to recognize the needs and constraints associated with deformation research on geomaterials. Our goal is to foster collaborations across disciplines to develop new experimental methodologies for studying dynamic processes at various time scales.
The success of this new network depends on your participation. We wholeheartedly welcome anyone who is interested to join this growing group and participate in any way that works for you. Simply explore our developing website and reach out to ask questions or contribute suggestions.